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Writer's pictureAlex Funk

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Field Trip to Helen Schuler (9-11)

Thursday - Art



Friday - Valentine's Day

Valentine extravaganza

After this week enjoy your Family Week break together!

Writer's pictureAlex Funk

It seems there are varying beliefs on whether the groundhog saw his shadow or not, so here's to hoping after this snow fall we see spring coming soon. This week looks like it'll be a busy one!

Monday -

Tuesday - I'm away (substitute in)

Inuit presentation in the afternoon

Wednesday - Winter walk in the afternoon, dress for the weather

Thursday - art



Friday - Inuit Day

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Writer's pictureAlex Funk

Sorry for a late update, I've been out sick the past week or so! Can you believe we are in the last week of January? How fast time flies when you're having fun. This week your family gets a long weekend, with no school on Friday. Don't forget to return the Helen Schuler Field trip forms.

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Jersey Day

Thursday - Library


I'm away for a PD session so we will have a sub

Friday - No School!

Don't forget, it's Groundhog Day on Sunday. Will there be a shadow? Will winter come back for us? Fingers crossed there is no shadow in sight.

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