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Writer's pictureAlex Funk

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

It's a short week for your child! With everything going on, please note that Run Club is suspended until further notice, Open House is cancelled, and all Field Trips for this month are cancelled. If your family has been out of the country the past few weeks, please consider self-isolating for 14 days and calling 811. If your child is sick with a cold or flu, please keep them home as we are trying to minimize any passing of germs. On that note, we are low on our lysol wipe supply. If you happen to have an extra container at home, we would love to put it to use in school. Also, if you have lotion to send in, we are finding with all the hand washing, hands are starting to dry out and crack (not great for germs). Thank you for all you are doing to help keep our school safe in all of this. If you are keeping your child home, I have added some great links under Websites to keep up routines and learning at home.

For updates please follow:



Wednesday - Art

Thursday - 1/2 Day (done at 11:45)

Pm Interviews (please let me know if you want to come in and meet with me)

Friday - PL Day (No School)

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Writer's pictureAlex Funk

Don't forget to check the online report card this week! It's a slower week but we've got a full moon, Daylight Savings, and Friday the 13th

Monday - Run Club

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Run Club

Thursday - Art


Friday - Run Club

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Writer's pictureAlex Funk

The first week of March is looking beautiful! Hopefully this truly means Spring is here! If your child is in run club, don't forget we run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!



Wednesday - PJ and Movie Day

Thursday - Library



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