*Edit: Please make sure to fill out this device form if you have not already: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Y4sOPE7mjUykDx0hO2cEcsRq0daOVotMhlPPn54vR4pUNjI3ME1HVjI1SlVIVjhRSU5GMlRXNTBOOS4u
While we are figuring out what our schedule will look like, I have a few ways to keep the routine, and to keep in contact with me. We have worked a lot on Microsoft Teams this year, and I hope to continue using this with the kids. Here is a video on how to get to teams:
If you need some creativity, Mo Willems is offering free drawing lessons: youtube.com/watch?v=30DCOgTGn_o&list=PL14hRqd0PELGbKihHuTqx_pbvCLqGbOkF
Oliver Jeffers is also offering online read alouds and drawing lessons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipx6HJs4XQ&list=PL05GKoi8gs4C1LF0Kvfitk6Uf6qHB4X4L&index=14
If your child has done the Comparing Liquids experiment, I would love videos or pictures uploaded to the assignment on Microsoft Teams. If need be, I can create a tutorial on how to upload the documents, however this is something they have done before. I look forward to seeing the awesome work that they do! You can do this at your own pace, please don't feel rushed! We are still figuring out the different components to this learning, but I know many of you are working on keeping the daily schedule.